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ghd hair styler Blood transfusion hepatitis patients first instance Panpei 80,00

已有 230 次阅读2011-12-3 13:34

patients : after surgery, hepatitis

after the verdict , an appeal against sentence were women , now in the court has accepted the case .

as tongzhou blood can not be fully fulfilled the burden of proof ,ghd hair styler, it is the first instance verdict compensation for medical expenses ms. patients were nearly 8 million.

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february this year to make the west side court of first instance ruled that the hospital is not in the medical risks of blood transfusion prior to the plaintiff fully informed , not entirely to a reasonable obligation to inform , but should not bear civil responsibility.

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people's hospital said the hospital used blood from the health department are designated red cross blood center ,red wing store, tongzhou blood , blood, whether it contains c liver virus , not the hospital's audit obligations. first instance : hospital at fault

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28 -year-old women were in september 1999 the people of hospital stay ,red wing clearance, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.

according to the said , in may 2000 , she was in the hospital for autologous stem cell transplant and success , during hospitalization was a lot of blood and blood products enter . in july 2000 , was diagnosed with hepatitis c. ms. case that may be caused by blood transfusion in the hospital during treatment , prosecution and tongzhou city, red cross blood center blood bank and hospital .

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